Wednesday, October 24, 2012

[mvuapkqm] Orthogonal golden motion

A point wanders around a square.  Its X coordinate is sinusoidal with period 1, and Y with period phi (golden ratio).  This traces out a Lissajous curve. 

A billiard ball bounces at a 45 degree angle on a table with dimensions in golden ratio.  Somewhat equivalently, a square table at angle arctan phi.

The orthogonal projections of a point to the sides of the box form a diamond of ever-changing shape.

Circles through points, tangent to edges, etc.  Tangent to nearest edge gives a way to draw an infinitesimally small point as a blob.

For a given point in a rectangle, what is the largest circle within the rectangle that contains that point?  Of those largest circles the same size, which has its center closest to the point?  Balloon inflating.

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