Wednesday, March 07, 2012

[szcajmau] Attacking Limbaugh is misguided

Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a slut to silence her, to discredit her opinions.  However, the problem is not with him speaking this.  Rather, the problem is that that kind of speech actually works on those who hear it: the label "slut" does effectively discredit someone.

This is why efforts to punish or silence Limbaugh for his speech are misguided.  It's avoiding the underlying problem, that promiscuity is considered shameful. If you knew someone to be a slut for real (not a baseless accusation), would you consider that person trustworthy?  Respectable? That is why the label "slut", even a baseless accusation of it, is so effective.

It's a "Blame Canada" situation.

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