Saturday, March 19, 2022

[klycghwn] CMBR physical model

the map of the cosmic microwave background radiation is a sphere.  consider creating a spherical sculpture of it.

first, consider sculpting both the temperature and temperature variations to the same scale.  average temperature variations are one part in 10^5, so a sphere of radius 100 meter would have bumps about 1 mm, something people could feel and see.

a 200 meter diameter sphere with precisely carved details would be difficult but not impossible to build, probably similar in difficulty to a large astronomical telescope.  put it on a moving mount so people can interact with any part of it.  (this might help decrease people wearing down any one part of it through repeated touching.)  it would be quite monumental, but the CMBR deserves a monument.  there is just one of it in the universe; arguably it is the universe.

easier would be to choose a great circle and consider a thin band around it, approximately a cylinder.  break the band into square or rectangular pieces and carve each separately.  this could be done with a mill or 3D printer.  mount the pieces around circular gallery.

or, "cheat" by magnifying the anisotropy features to allow detectably carving onto a smaller sphere.  linear magnification is the most obvious, but raising the temperature to an exponent could be vaguely physically justified.  for example, the Stefan-Boltzmann law has power varying by the 4th power of temperature.  this discussion, about helium flash, says any power of temperature can be justified.

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