Friday, April 19, 2019

[iizdyjbk] Some possibilities for decimal time

  1. Seconds of an epoch - E.g., Unix time
  2. (Day of epoch).(decimal portion of day) - E.g., Julian Day (JD)
  3. (Year of epoch).(decimal portion of the year) - Nonuniform because of leap years.  2019.00411 is noon on January 2, 2019.
  4. (Month name).(decimal portion of month) - Nonuniform because months are different lengths.  March.0484 is noon on March 2.
  5. (Day of month).(decimal portion of day) - Day of month starts at 1 not zero.  February 2.5 is noon on February 2.
  6. (Day name in week).(decimal portion of day) - Tuesday.5 is noon on Tuesday.

Leap seconds make most of these nonuniform.  An epoch-based counter based on TAI would be nice.

There are many other possibilities, e.g., decimal hours and minutes.

Incidentally, there are 10080 minutes in a week, nearly a perfect power of 10.

Inspired by supposedly metric countries which still do 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, etc., which is just as bizarre as 5280 feet in a mile, 12 inches in a foot.

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