Wednesday, March 16, 2016

[gcihgiik] Hustling at street chess

Hustling at street chess recovers a human element to chess that seems to have been lost because of how strong computers have become at it.  Respectable chess players seek to emulate (or unrealistically, exceed) the play of computers, which seems boring because we already have the real thing, namely a computer.

Hustling includes many things normally forbidden from respectable chess: sleight of hand manipulation of pieces with misdirection (cheating), trash talking and psychological manipulation.  Humans do these things, computers not so much (yet).

It seems no longer a "pure" sport.  Less enjoyable for some, many, to play.  Perhaps more enjoyable for others to play and spectate: like watching competing magicians.

Inspired by the Maurice Ashley / Tim Ferriss Experiment video in Washington Square Park New York City.

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