Monday, April 07, 2014

[cvzkkvus] Organic marketing and anti-vaccine

I strongly suspect there is correlation between those who think organic foods are healthier and those in the anti-vaccine movement.  The hypothesized underlying mechanism is a phobia of putting "artificial" "chemicals" in your body, and we further hypothesize that marketing is causing this phobia.

Can some restrictions on marketing organic foods help quell the anti-vaccine movement?  This is a rare possible case of something more important than freedom of speech, namely public health.

One way to do this might be to forbid the term "organic" -- or any other related terms that the market might manufacture -- from having any protected status or even any meaning.  Anyone can label any product organic regardless of production methods, and the courts or regulators refuse to allow any actions to go forward that it is false or misleading labeling.  We may need to make exceptions to trademark law.

But everything getting labeled organic might make the phobia worse. Perhaps label the vaccines organic and all natural.

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