Tuesday, April 16, 2013

[oxsjupia] DNS port forwarding

Create a method by which two services both traditionally using the same port can coexist on a single server with a single IP address, with the services being distinguished by different DNS hostnames mapping to that IP address.

We need a database of port remappings: for example, www.example.com:80 maps to port 80 on, but forums.example.com:80 maps to port 10080 at the same IP address and (probably) talks to a separate web server software process running on the same machine.

Can already existing DNS be used (abused) to distribute this database?  If not, how difficult would it be to deploy a separate distributed database alongside DNS?

We would of course need significant changes to client software to use this port information.

An alternative, if IP addresses are cheap (as in IPv6), is to have a single machine be multi-homed with many IP addresses.

This is an important problem if we expect every person to have a server presence, but not everyone can afford a full server.

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