Wednesday, July 06, 2011

[lwcxatkt] Attractive actors debating policy

A TV show with attractive actors and actresses debating, discussing, discovering, the most important policy issues of the day, embedded within some entertaining context or plot.

The attractiveness and entertainment are very important, because the most important policy issues are also among the most complicated, so will require lengthy exposition to do it right (and doing it right is the main point).  The entertainment keeps it from getting boring, causing the viewer to switch the channel to a fictional TV show.  This is going to require phenomenally good writing.

The modern method of watching TV, e.g., torrenting an entire season, makes this possible.  The viewer controls when to watch, so never need to worry about missing a show.  Perhaps an internet show rather than TV.

While it should try to be fair and balanced, ultimately I believe many of today's policy issues, when deeply examined, have discoverable correct answers (that are getting obscured by power politics, e.g., by those who stand to lose if the correct answer is discovered).

The hard part, writing, could be done "cheaply" independent of the "expensive" actual production and filming of the show.  Perhaps even mass collaboration over the internet.

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