Tuesday, March 22, 2011

[entexhvb] Hangul-like alphabet

Design a Hangul-like writing system, where a character can consist of 1 to 4 letters.  For, say, 3 letters, the "square" of the character is divided orthogonally in half; the first letter is written on one side, and the other two are written on quarters on the other side.  The first letter may written centered in its 2x1 rectangle, or stretched across the entire area.  This is the calligrapher's choice; the characters are not distinct written either way.

The challenge is to pick a set of letters for which characters remain distinct.

A letter which is a single orthogonal line is right out: one cannot tell if it is single stretched character or two next to each other.

If the letters are diagonal strokes and an "X", then it becomes ambiguous whether a character is a single letter X or four diagonal strokes meeting in the center.

If the characters are diagonal strokes and an "O", then a single letter O and the following


are ambiguous under human handwriting.

Related: Four squares, Using colors

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