if we observe the evaporation of a micro black hole, are we done with physics?
of course, we would observe whether Hawking radiation is real. assuming it is, we would observe what happens in the final moments of Hawking radiation and whether a "Planckian remnant" that does not evaporate remains. exactly what happens at the end, what happens to a Planck-mass black hole, requires a theory of quantum gravity, a theory of everything, to explain, and observations of micro black holes could experimentally test such theories.
original thought: if an alien benefactor provides us with a machine that spits out micro black holes, are we done with physics?
exactly what would we measure about micro black holes to solve physics once and for all?
what would we measure to resolve the black hole information paradox? could we tell whether protons decay?
note that planckmass * c^2 = 0.47 ton TNT, so you'll want some shielding around your experimental apparatus.
previously, arbitrarily high energy physics in the accretion disc of a black hole.
previously, artificially constructing micro black holes. building a black hole is probably just as difficult as building the Ultimate Collider (Antoni Akahito), another way to solve physics once and for all.
another way to create a micro black hole is to start with a stellar mass black hole and wait... a... very... long... time. (discovering that Hawking radiation does not occur would be a disappointing but interesting result.) the ultimate secret of the universe is available to anyone with patience. perhaps problematic if you need to observe multiple micro black holes: the next closest one might be beyond the cosmic event horizon.
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