Wednesday, July 17, 2019

[xkttocdn] Fish

Give a man a nuclear arsenal and he'll annihilate civilization for a day.  Teach a man how to build nuclear weapons and... something something something.

Maybe "a species" instead of "a man", definitely violating the Prime Directive.  Tell the story of a space traveler who travels from world to world teaching its inhabitants how to build nukes just to trollishly see what they do with them: they are truly a destroyer of worlds.

Perhaps our earth has been the victim of such trolling, in which case, we should search for the hidden cameras through which the aliens are watching, gleefully hoping to see us descend into mayhem and destruction.  The hidden cameras might be powerful telescopes many light years away.

Original inspiration: An attempt to be more extreme than "Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."

Maybe something about being warm for the rest of the half-lives of the nuclear fuel or fallout.

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