Tuesday, July 16, 2019

[rvmpycoz] Using NetworkManager with netplan

Ubuntu server and mini.iso (17.10) has switched to netplan for configuring network.  To go back to using NetworkManager, change renderer to NetworkManager and delete the rest:

$ cat /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml
# Let NetworkManager manage all devices on this system
  version: 2
  renderer: NetworkManager

This was taken from a desktop install.  Using NetworkManager allows using GUI tools, e.g., Gnome Preferences, to configure wireless.

It's disappointing Ubuntu doesn't provide tools, GUI or otherwise, for common cases of netplan network configuration.

I have also occasionally had to change wifi.powersave to 2 (from 3) in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf . This disables power saving.  Wireless had been seemingly mysteriously disabling itself with no way to turn it back on other than rebooting.


Error messages in kern.log:

iwl3945 0000:03:00: Queue 2 stuck for 2048 ms.
iwl3945 0000:03:00: On demand firmware reload
ieee80211 phy0: Hardware restart was requested
iwl3945 0000:03:00: BSM uCode verification failed at addrs 0x00003800+0 (of 900) is 0xa5a5a5a2, s/b 0xf802020
iwl3945 0000:03:00: Unable to set up bootstrap uCode: -5
... (last two repeat)
iwl3945 0000:03:00: Unable to initialize device after 5 attempts

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