Tuesday, September 24, 2013

[wdkamvus] The worst parts of C as guidelines

One of the popularly called worst parts of the C programming language is how it treats pointers and arrays nearly identically, making, for example, bounds-checked array access impossible.  However, we turn the complaint on its head with the following recommendation: never use arrays in C.  The motivation for the recommendation is slightly cynical, but intended to be practical: if you need such a high-level programming construct as an array, you should be using a high-level programming language, not C.

Similarly derided is the ability to cast arbitrary types into arbitrary other types, for example from void* to long int.  However, once again a recommendation: all C programs should invoke such a sketchy cast at least once.  If you don't need that feature, you shouldn't be programming in C.

Both of these follow the philosophy, C is a wonderful assembly language, mostly portable even.

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