Sunday, May 01, 2011

[lnhsjdqo] Choosing a side by choice

Take a contentious issue.  Consider the other side from your preferred side.  Does it fill you with disgust?  If so, YOU'RE DOIN' IT WRONG.

You are thinking with your gut rather than your rational mind (truthiness).  That emotion has overwhelmed your capacity for rational thought makes it useless for you to participate in any rational debate about the topic.  That capacity for intellectual thought that distinguishes humans from animals is not present in you.

Take a step back and ask, why do you think this way?  Did you have any choice in the matter?  Could you change your mind even if you wanted to?  Are you a victim of psychological programming against your will?  Who programmed you and why?

Inspired by abortion, but applicable to many, many topics.

Related post: Nerds

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