Monday, December 06, 2010

[tngytjvt] Strings without quotes

A proposal for handling literal strings in a computer language that doesn't exist, similar to Lisp. We use the special form literal-strings.

(literal-strings foo bar baz) generates the list ["foo","bar","baz"].
(literal-strings \ ) generates the list [" "].  Backslash is a quote character.
(let space (head (literal-strings \ )) assigns the string " " to the identifier space.  One might also do (list (chr 32)).  We use the Haskell convention Strings are lists of Chars.
(concat (intersperse space (literal-strings foo bar baz)) generates the string "foo bar baz".  One would probably write a convenience function.
(literal-strings foo\ bar\ baz) generates the list ["foo bar baz"].
(literal-strings foo (bar) baz) generates the list ["foo",bar,"baz"], where bar is the type String output of the function bar.  Parentheses are a function escape character, allowing string interpolation.
(literal-strings \(foo\)) generates the list ["(foo)"].
(literal-strings \(foo)) makes the parser cry.
(literal-strings (foo\))) calls a very interestingly named function foo) which should return a value of type String.

One can do String, or some typeclass for String-like literals, to handle various encodings, etc.

I dislike the normal syntax "abc" because the lexer, especially for IDEs, has a hard time figuring out if a given point is inside or outside a string.  The quotation mark only toggles, does not signify whether inside or out.  In my proposal, everything is uniform with the rest of the parenthesized syntax.

This is a concrete description of this observation, optimizing for the common case for literal strings in code, rarely needing consecutive multiple spaces.

We might also do (compiled-string-from-file foo.txt) which creates a literal string from the contents of the file foo.txt, as an alternative to lots of quoting.  Must be able to determine the file name at compile time.  Creates a compile time dependency.

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