Sunday, December 05, 2010

[quucxvrb] Keeping people ignorant

Whenever someone can benefit from someone else's ignorance, there will be incentive to suppress free speech.

On one extreme, nuclear proliferation.

On the other, a casino, which has taken so much care to board up all the windows so slot machine victims lose sense of time, does not want someone announcing the time.  Casinos ought to be regulated to require clocks and windows.

When knowledge can be used to commit a crime, we attempt to  suppress its dissemination, even if the knowledge could be used for other things, including learning to avoid that crime.  For example, lockpicking. Security through obscurity.

We sacrifice freedom of speech for the hope of stability, the hope that the fewer people who know how to commit mischief, to cause change, the more stable our lives will be, maintaining the status quo, even if it means impeding progress.

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