"Convex Regular Faced" is usually applied to polytopes in 4D and above, but it is a useful term for 3D as well, subsuming the Platonic solids, Archimedean solids, the pyramids, prisms, and antiprisms that are uniform polyhedra, and the Johnson solids.
consider a finite subset of CRF polyhedra whose faces have 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 10 sides. these are all the faces seen in the finite categories (not the pyramids, prisms, or antiprisms). (it is a little surprising that the regular dodecagon is seen only in the infinite categories.)
consider a further subset: eliminate polyhedra which can be constructed by pasting together two or more other polyhedra in this set (pasting only matching faces). inspired by the partition of Johnson solids between those which can be constructed by "cut and paste" and those which are "elementary". we seek the elementary CRF polyhedra.
for example, the regular octahedron is eliminated because it can be constructed from two square pyramids glued base to base, and square pyramids are CRF.
is there a unique minimal set?
these elementary polyhedra (replicated as many times as needed) might be a fun set of building blocks. how should faces physically attach? given a not-necessarily convex arrangement of them glued by matching faces, determine whether the solid intersects itself.
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