Saturday, March 16, 2024

[bvvsscqe] irony of fear about vaccines rewriting your DNA

it is deeply ironic that one of the fears antivaxxers have about COVID-19 vaccination is the fear that mRNA vaccines will rewrite your DNA.  it is ironic because COVID-19 the disease will absolutely definitely rewrite your DNA.  because that's what viruses do: they rewrite your DNA, reprogramming your own cells to become virus factories.  viruses are very good at rewriting your DNA.

if it turns out that children and future descendants of people infected with COVID-19 have a higher rate of birth defects or autism or homosexuality or whatever, no biologist will be very surprised, because that's what viruses do: they rewrite your DNA.  most of the time, the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) infects and rewrites the DNA of cells in your respiratory system, but everything is connected inside your body, so it is completely plausible that the virus might manage to infect a gamete (sperm or egg cell) and thereby rewrite the DNA of your yet-to-be-conceived children and all your future descendants.

the human genome is absolutely littered with the DNA of viruses which successfully rewrote the DNA of some human ancestor.  most of those virus sequences have been rendered inert by evolution (virus rewrites the human DNA of something critical, baby is stillborn, that virus sequence then fails to propagate through human DNA), but it is an open research question how much virus DNA is still active, how much of what makes us human is actually the result of ancestral viruses which rewrote our DNA.  previously.

if you want to protect the sanctity of your DNA, get vaccinated.

(counterargument: presume that the government (secretly puppeteered of course by the Illuminati, Rothschilds, Freemasons, Lizard People, etc.) and COVID-19 are both equally competent at rewriting your DNA if they are allowed to introduce a foreign substance into your body.  in choosing whether to get vaccinated or let the disease put virus into you, you are trying to choose the lesser evil.  the government has both a documented history of being evil and plainly visible incentives to continue to be evil in order to maintain power.)

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