Saturday, February 12, 2022

[rfsokmxi] intelligent life simulates Turing machines

define intelligence as the combination of the ability to simulate a Turing machine (or equivalent) and the regular use of that ability.

there remains a lot of fuzziness in the definition, but "Turing machine or equivalent" is at least precisely defined, thanks to computer science.

humans of course simulate Turing machines in silicon, but also do it in vivo.  instructions to perform music, do choreographed dance, perform military operations, cook food, or build buildings and cities are usually expressed in a Turing-complete language, often natural language.  ("communicating via a Turing-complete natural language" could be a related definition of intelligence.)

empathy could also be considered a form of Turing machine simulation.  simulate what the other person is thinking, then use the results of that simulation to guide your actions.


what other organisms, or collections of organisms (future post bcwsjhxx), are intelligent?

simulating intelligent life, by this definition, perhaps for a game, is not difficult.

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