Sunday, February 27, 2022

[ownvgjrt] perfect game of go

what does a perfect game of go 囲碁 look like?

assume appropriate super-ko rules are in effect, and the side destined to lose tries to postpone loss as long as possible.  might also need correct komi.

how many moves will a perfect game last?  will super-ko be heavily used to extend the game, resulting in marathon games of an exponential number of moves?  (also requiring exponential memory to enforce super-ko.)

are there composed go problems invoking super-ko which take an immense number of (possibly boring) moves?

if we don't use super-ko, are perfect games always draws via triple-ko?

AI plays go well, but we aren't seeing games like this, yet, in contrast to chess, which does have a lot of draws between strong computer or human players.

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