Thursday, January 13, 2022

[geaapvru] Area 51 black site

patriots storm Area 51 and, against all odds, overrun the facility.  they discover not imprisoned aliens but imprisoned humans: the top secret government facility with no public access is a torture site.  in retrospect, this comes as a surprise to no one.

is there demand for torture on US soil?  it seems yes: a problem with offshoring torture to other countries is that they too get to learn the extracted information.

how should a torture site on U.S. soil be set up?  it needs to have a cover story for plausible deniability.  it needs to have an airstrip so that prisoners can be transported discreetly and without potential obstruction or interruption.  it needs to be in a remote location so that outsiders cannot hear the screams or smell the rotting or burning flesh.  Area 51 satisfies these requirements.

Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo) seems not a good site because there are too many soldiers around without high security clearance who might witness evidence of torture happening, then do their constitutional duty and leak.

however, it seems a bad idea to colocate a torture site with one doing actual secret military technology development, because one needs to vet employees, soldiers, to be the kind of people who will keep mum about both military technology and violations of the Geneva Conventions.  that overlap might not be very large: techies in the former category, fuzzies in the latter.

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