Wednesday, August 01, 2018

[zikyrfrx] Morse-like code organized phonetically

We present a code similar to Morse code but the letters assigned to codes phonetically for easier learning.  Vowels proceed front to back, then consonants very roughly front to back.  Unvoiced consonants (ending with zero) are immediately followed by their voiced versions (ending in one).

Builds on previous.

i 0
e 1
a 00
o 01
u 10
(unassigned) 11
p 000
b 001
m 010
n 011
f 100
v 101
t 110
d 111
s 0000
z 0001
l 0010
r 0011
c 0100
j 0101
k 0110
g 0111
h 1000
w 1001
q 1010
x 1011
y 1100

Several things could go to the unassigned code 11: y r n, as these are common letters that don't really match with their phonetic pair that well. But leaving it unassigned as an escape code is probably best.

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