Friday, May 27, 2016

[zaphvymx] 2 bit journal

Create a device, probably an app, which has 4 buttons (perhaps labeled 0 1 2 3) and records the button presses.  The user is in charge of developing a code assigning meaning to numbers.

Not providing backspace requires less editing features.  Inspired by a purely mechanical typewriter, with no white-out.

Whereas 2 buttons (binary) is sufficient to encode information efficiently, 3 is better for humans because it provides an "escape" value.  Then, 4 to compensate for not being able to delete.

With just two buttons, 4 possible chords: left single press, right single press, hold down left then right (release in either order), hold down right then left (release in either order).

De Bruijn sequences are convenient for exploring kerning: //./*/\..*.\**\\ With this character set, the asterisk is hopefully elevated.

Caret is more likely to be elevated than asterisk: //./^/\..^.\^^\\

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