Wednesday, April 13, 2016

[ffhaqyed] Knight handicap tournament

Hold a Scheveningen system tournament between a team of humans playing with a knight handicap versus a collection of computer chess programs specialized to play against a knight handicap.

Rybka versus Meyer 2008 proved that a strong human can seemingly easily win with a knight handicap against an unmodified chess program.  The purpose of the tournament is to encourage the development of chess programs that can swindle: steer the game toward positions that a human is more likely to make a mistake.  This is different from the traditional task of determining the game theoretically optimal move.  It requires modeling human thought processes.

If the humans continue to be too strong, time controls can be decreased.

This can also be done with go 囲碁 with handicaps.  Monte Carlo go 囲碁 programs currently play very poorly when they believe they are losing.

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