Saturday, March 05, 2016

[zagybazd] Many hierarchical banks

Create, or probably relax, regulations and create technology to allow the existence of very small banks, or more specifically, lending institutions.  At the smallest level are lenders being able to personally observe -- use personal or intimate knowledge not accessible to a larger lender -- a potential borrower to gauge the degree of risk of a loan.  Such close observation and examination can mitigate the moral hazard and adverse selection problems.

Of course, informal loans between individuals already happen: make it easier.  The inspiration is microlending and its hypothesis that poor people face a less-than-efficient liquidity constraint.

Lenders continue to borrow from larger lenders, as is current practice: it just extends down further.

Many devilish details.  Probably also need to fight political lobbying by larger banks who don't want new competitors.

Who can trust whom is a massively difficult problem even at the smallest level.  Can more market mechanisms actually induce better solutions?

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