Tuesday, December 15, 2015

[lqnwuiju] A cordial conversation about rape

There is no neutral term, so we use one of the most loaded terms for simplicity: "rape".

Someone who thinks rape is good and fun is interacting with someone who doesn't, and by "interacting" we mean "trying to rape".

However, we imagine the interaction not to be bitter nor mutually full of hate, but instead one in which both sides are making genuine attempt at communication, at mutual understanding, likely about their differing views on sex and sexuality within their related social structures, and trying to reach a mutually acceptable outcome or compromise.

Such a cordial conversation seems mind-bogglingly unimaginable.  We seem to have become taught that rage is the only proper way to discuss this topic: never give an inch, never seek to understand the other point of view.  Why?  How?  Hypothesize underlying issues of social class.

Generically interesting are mechanisms that induce people not to think rationally but go with their gut: they are powerful tools of manipulation.

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