Tuesday, May 12, 2015

[mcgagvsi] Side linking posts to censorship ridden media

When posting to a forum or site that often does censorship, also mirror the content, or perhaps just useful metadata, elsewhere.

At the mirrored site, put as text the URL of the original location of the content along with other data that might be useful, perhaps links to other locations of the original data, perhaps its hash for query into a hypothetical content based database.

Another user, finding that the content is gone from its original URL, does a web search for the text of the URL to find the mirror page.

Inspired by Youtube, whose URLs provide a unique key.

There remains an unsolved problem of spammers posting irrelevant mirrors,  though that can be mitigated by reputation mechanisms and other ways of combatting spam.

A third-party can offer mirroring as a service to content producers worried of censorship.

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