Monday, September 29, 2014

[nztapjia] Alkaline phone charger

The total energy a traditional alkaline battery can supply is inversely proportional to the power draw.

This suggests an alkaline battery mobile phone charger that charges a phone extremely slowly to maximize usefulness of the alkaline.  However, such slow charging is very inconvenient, so better is a large bank of batteries (in parallel) that together can charge a phone at reasonable speed, but each individual battery is drained very slowly.

Inspired by the iGo charger, which drains 2 AA batteries very quickly, within hours, so probably not an efficient transfer of the energy contained in them.  Although a bank of many batteries as described above would be heavy, it would be no worse than the current situation with the iGo in which I end up needing to carry a large collection of fresh batteries anyway because how quickly they get consumed.

Perhaps a dial to trade off charging time versus efficiency.

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