Wednesday, April 23, 2014

[qqqwzbve] Lattice gas with fusion and decay

Extend Lattice Gas Automata with particles fusing on collision or spontaneously breaking apart (fission).

Pick the direction of emitted particles to keep the total momentum of the system as close to zero as possible. This becomes so unrealistic as to likely be scientifically useless, but might be fun as a toy. The motivation is to simulate stellar fusion.

Pressure (density) can be increased by having a randomly chosen particle spontaneously split into three identical particles. Decreased by having two colliding particles disappear. Let pressure be a negatively correlated function of energy output tracked by bookkeeping the nuclear reactions. How can we introduce damping in the oscillations that will likely result?

Vaguely inspired by the Fe 26 variant of the 2048 tile moving game.

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