Thursday, February 06, 2014

[fivekdot] Evolution doublethink

A great many people claim to support evolution in its debate against creationism, but reject evolutionary explanations for human behavior, particularly sexual behaviors, and particularly reject the notion that free will is mostly powerless against evolutionary pressures to mate and procreate.  To first approximation, evolution obviously selects for those with less sexual self control.  Note well that the idea that evolution does not apply to humans, that we are "better" than animals, is the centerpiece of creationism.

This rejection of evolution is most prominently visible in the vindictiveness against sex crimes in our criminal and vigilante justice systems.  Rejecting evolution also underlies heaping shame on promiscuity, believing such activity to be a permanent character flaw.

Inspired by the Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham debate. 

1 comment :

Russ Williams said...

Alternatively, criminalizing rape and other actions which harm other people can be viewed as taking advantage of or directing evolution, to select for people who are less likely to harm other people.

I.e. just because we're part of the system doesn't mean we can't use our intellect to game the system for various benefits.