Tuesday, November 05, 2013

[shparkdp] Thoughts on cobalt bombs

Is any country stockpiling cobalt?  Is our country stockpiling cobalt for this purpose?  Zinc?  They are relatively cheap metals.  Furthermore, being nuclear chemistry, salts or other compounds would be equally effective.  Vitamin B12.

Initial guess is such bombs would relatively hurt superpowers more: everyone would be bombed back to the third world, but some countries are already there.  It would probably affect the country in which it was detonated the most.  Are these calculi correct?

If so, the U.S. and Israel, both superpowers with many enemies, are very likely targets of a salted bomb attack.  Will we see such an attack in the next century?  We need radical changes in world geopolitics to prevent the eventuality.  Nonproliferation is not enough, because it is imperfect.  Economic, cultural and social ties.  Transparency in military.

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