Sunday, April 01, 2012

[mguppvyt] Google Gmail Tap for real

Anyone disappointed that Google Gmail Tap is a fake April Fool's Day product may head over to Android Market aka Google Play and download a real Morse code input program.  The one I've liked the most is Morse Code Keyboard by  It is both free as in freedom and free as in beer, with source code hosted in a Bzr repository at .  The software does not seemed to be actively developed any more.

The biggest problem is that Morse code is a delicately timed protocol.  Distinguishing A .- from ET . - requires precisely measuring the number of milliseconds between the dot and the dash.  Unfortunately, the app seems to have difficulty measuring pauses to such precision because of preemption by the multitasking operating system (for example, background sync and other background processes and services).  You might tap at some point in time, but it may be much later when the tap is actually delivered to the app, which by then has concluded you have started a new letter.  This inspired this AI problem.

MotionEvent.getEventTime ?

Having used it for about 9 months, learning Morse code from scratch, my typing speed is still considerably slower than an on-screen keyboard with autocorrect.  However, I use the slider physical keyboard most of the time.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Thank you,, for clearing this up regarding Gmail Tap, I for one thought at first it was real (hoping as my disabilities make typing a real task)...but i gave it thought and came up with similar issues that you raise in this well defined article. I appreciate your expert handling of this situation...besides according to my wife I am a "fool" regardless of the day. :) Take care and keep up this great work.
Jonathan E. Kiser
Jacksboro, TX