Sunday, February 19, 2012

[qerwjxye] Silly numbers

Numbers so large as to be silly, the mind can't comprehend.  Or can't comprehend anything larger.

Some cardinals: Aleph 3.  (Aleph 2 could be the number of real functions.  What is aleph 3?).  Then, aleph omega.

Some ordinals: Omega, Epsilon nought

200: somewhere around here, it becomes too large for the mind to keep track of individually different objects.

11: What does "Turn it up to 11" mean, when the scale only goes up to 10?  The mind boggles.

1: The probability of certainty.  Certainty is impossible to comprehend in this uncertain world.

0.995: A probability so large the mind has difficulty distinguishing it from certainty.  (= 1-1/200 above)

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