Monday, December 26, 2011

[ljyiqfcj] Keyboard with more keys

I feel a significant pleasant sensation of ease when I encounter a keyboard for which a two-key combination is on a single key.  Notable recent examples are the unshifted question mark, colon, and "at" sign on some full keyboard phones.

Take this concept much further to computer keyboards, again creating a space-cadet keyboard, with many more keys.

A cheap way to accomplish this is with two keyboards, set up kind of like an organ.  The upper keyboard offers all the shifted punctuation keys, plus macros that can be assigned to each letter.  Perhaps common words or syllables.

We need some operating system support to distinguish to keyboards from each other.

1 comment :

Axio said...

Or you can use keyboards with extended interfaces, like pedals.

I think you can find interesting input devices if you look at what's available for the disabled…