Saturday, September 24, 2011

[sdloryxn] Holographic chess match

Two players play at separated venues (perhaps their home countries), each filmed by a cameras, perhaps at a studio in front of a green screen.

For spectators watching by video, a synthesized video feed digitally stitches both sites together, so the players seemingly sit across a board from each other.  This technology exists: the trick is to match lighting and camera positioning between the two sites.

For psychological effect, there is also a "webcam" camera and display contraption across from each player: the players can see each other just as in real life.  But in the synthesized feed, the contraptions get erased and replaced by the other player.

We need a way so that the other player's pieces can be moved remotely.  One solution is a table top touch screen display.  Moves are transmitted over internet.

As an additional touch, synthesize a background playing hall populated by avatars (perhaps also live webcam feeds) of all spectators watching online, perhaps thousands of them for important events.  This beats the sparsely attended on-site venues frequently seen these days.

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