Wednesday, July 06, 2011

[yzvklkqx] The future is underground

Living underground is often envisioned in sci-fi but is not happening in reality.  We're still racing to build our skyscrapers up, which seems like balancing a toothpick on its end.

Nearly infinite energy underground: geothermal. (UPDATE: the total geothermal power available is only 44 terawatts. This is probably not enough for the entire human race.)

Tremendous space available, no need to worry about disrupting ecosystems.

Shielded from elements of weather that cause wear and tear.  Underground does face geologic forces, but they are slow and more constant (e.g., predictable).  Groundwater may be the most difficult.

Sci-fi dream: the entire earth's surface is returned to a nature preserve, allowed to develop undisturbed.  Possible exception: transport corridors, made easy because they don't need to route around residential neighborhoods.

Inspired by this season's flooding, exacerbated by our own actions (building levees, draining wetlands).

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