Wednesday, July 06, 2011

[jgafttil] If it helps the terrorists, it's good for America

Unless you are expertly trained in the cost benefit analysis of civil liberties versus counterterrorism, here is a rule of thumb to take to heart:  If it seems to you that it helps the terrorists, then it's actually good for America.

This counterintuitive rule is based on if fear of terrorism causes us to give up those ideals of liberty which define America, then the terrorists have won.

Go through and apply this rule of thumb.  Repeal all those stupid laws and regulations and security theater that have invaded our privacy, decreased transparency, decreased freedom of speech, decreased the right to bear arms, all in the name of preventing terrorism.  America, as a whole, will become a better place.

Like any rule of thumb, there are exceptions, but few and far between.

(But I am not not expertly trained in the cost benefit analysis of civil liberties and counterterrorism. Is anyone?)

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