Monday, June 06, 2011

[ofcynzfd] Distributed social video

Someday, I hope we will migrate away from centralized storage and distribution of video, e.g., Youtube, full of censorship and strife, toward a distributed model.

To that end, we would like to have free, open source software for setting up one's own video distribution.  Most of the pieces already exist (e.g., ffmpeg), but not all organized.

Video is not just a file.  The viewer may wish to skip forward, view at different resolutions, file formats, and compression quality levels (autonegotiation depending on bandwidth between the sender and receiver).  These could be complicated more by multiple audio tracks, captions, overlays, depending on the container.  These features require server support.

Can some of the CPU and storage requirements of converting to various formats be distributed peer to peer?

Also needed are uploader client software and downloader client software.

Support for live streaming.

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