Monday, October 11, 2010

[pbwdvrhj] Underwater platform shoe

Create a shoe which consists of a platform for the feet, a sole for the ground, and supported in between by a few very thin columns.  The majority of the volume of the shoe consists of empty space.

On land, in order to pull off such a design, one would need super strong materials able to support entire human body weight.  But we are not interested in land, but for wading in water, where the body is practically weightless.

Consider a social event taking place in a pool, perhaps neck deep in water.  The problem is, people are different heights, so neck deep is not constant between people -- unless we augment short people's height with platform shoes.  The reason for the very thin column support in the shoes is to minimize water drag on the feet when walking in water.  It also makes the shoes close to neutrally bouyant.

I saw an article about an art installation which did something similar, but on land with bulky platform shoes.

Hans Hemmert
Level ("Personal Absurdities", 1997, Berlin)

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