Tuesday, August 10, 2010

[kdfuigqr] Star Trek, after hours

Create two TV shows both filmed on the same set, with the same, or intertwining plots.

One show depicts a Star Trek-like future, where human teamwork and engineering -- the rational mind -- have taken us to a perhaps nearly utopian future.

The other show depicts how we have made peace with, or conquered, the animalistic side of our human nature... yes, especially including sex, whose awkwardness in today's society is one of the strongest bonds preventing our civilization from making progress, keeping us chained to the earth.  We'll see if writers can come up some interesting solutions.

With sex as one of the most important topics, this show might air on late night premium cable.  With willing suspension of disbelief, the same character may be played by two different actors: a "mainstream" actor by day, a porn star by night.

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