Saturday, June 20, 2009

[elyzamjj] Cutting a large image into a bunch of smaller ones

A program to generate a script to cut a large image (29566x14321) into a bunch of smaller ones.

module Main where{ import IO; import System; import Data.Char; import List; import Data.Ord; main :: IO(()); main = (do{ (hPutStrLn stderr rcs_code); (getArgs >>= (\lambda_case_var ->case lambda_case_var of { ["nothing"]-> (return ()); ["test", (x), (y)]-> (test (read x) (read y)) })); }); powers_of_two = ((:) 1 (map ((*) 2) powers_of_two)); rcs_code :: String; rcs_code = "$Id: kenserve.ll,v 1.2 2009/02/06 19:35:45 o Exp o $"; div_rounding_up :: Int -> Int -> Int; div_rounding_up x y = (case (divMod x y) of { ((d), (0))-> d; ((d), (_))-> (succ d) }); cut_points :: Int -> Int -> [](Int); cut_points big small = (let { numpieces :: Int; numpieces = (pred (div_rounding_up big small)); last_one :: Int; last_one = ((-) big small); f :: Int -> Int; f i = (div ((*) i last_one) numpieces) } in ((map f)((enumFromTo 0 numpieces)))); one_pnmcut :: Int -> Int -> String; one_pnmcut height vcut = ("pnmcut 0 " ++ (show vcut) ++ " 0 " ++ (show height) ++ " a "); one_pipeline :: Rescale -> [](String) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String; one_pipeline rescale rotations hcut height vcut = (do{ rot :: String <- rotations; ((one_pnmcut height vcut) ++ (do_rescale rescale) ++ (do_rotation rot) ++ "| cjpeg > x-" ++ (show rescale) ++ "-" ++ (show hcut) ++ "-" ++ (show vcut) ++ rot ++ ".jpg\n"); }); data Rescale = Rescale(Int); do_rescale :: Rescale -> String; do_rescale rscale = (case rscale of { (Rescale(1))-> []; (Rescale(x))-> ("| pnmscale " ++ (show ((/) 1.0 (fromIntegral x))) ++ " ") }); do_rotation :: String -> String; do_rotation rot = (case rot of { ([])-> []; (_)-> ("| pnmflip " ++ rot ++ " ") }); instance Show (Rescale) where { show x = (case x of { (Rescale(x))-> ((show x)) }) } ; big_column :: Int -> Rescale -> [](String) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String; big_column big_height rescale rotations width height hcut = ("pnmcut " ++ (show hcut) ++ " 0 " ++ (show width) ++ " 0 original >| a\n" ++ (concatMap (one_pipeline rescale rotations hcut height) (cut_points big_height height))); big_big :: Int -> Int -> Rescale -> [](String) -> Int -> Int -> String; big_big big_width big_height rescale rotations width height = (concatMap (big_column big_height rescale rotations width height) (cut_points big_width width)); double_size :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int); double_size x = (((*) 2 (fst x)), ((*) 2 (snd x))); fits :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool; fits width height x y = ((&&) ((<) x width) ((<) y height)); size_series :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> []((Int, (Int, Int))); size_series width height monitor_width monitor_height = (zip powers_of_two ((takeWhile (uncurry (fits width height)))((iterate double_size)((monitor_width, monitor_height))))); run_big_big :: Int -> Int -> [](String) -> (Int, (Int, Int)) -> String; run_big_big big_width big_height rotations rwh = (case rwh of { ((rescale), ((width), (height)))-> (big_big big_width big_height (Rescale rescale) rotations width height) }); run_rescales :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String; run_rescales big_width big_height width height = ((++) (concatMap (run_big_big big_width big_height ["-r90", "-r270"]) (size_series big_width big_height height width)) (concatMap (run_big_big big_width big_height ["", "-r180"]) (size_series big_width big_height width height))); test :: Int -> Int -> IO(()); test width height = (do{ (putStrLn "set -x"); (putStrLn "set -C"); (putStrLn "set -e"); (putStr (run_rescales 29566 14321 width height)); }) }

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