Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Emacs is a text editor, but to its fans, it is a religion. Why is it so awesome? To explain why, we look to inspiration in its name.

Emacs stands for Editor MACroS. Macros may be used to extend and improve the base editor in unlimited ways, and such extensions are easily createable by any user via Emacs Lisp or C-x (. Emacs Lisp is such a good extension language that a large parts of the editor itself are written in Emacs Lisp. Other editors may have macro capabilities, but few, if any, are as good as Emacs Lisp.

There are keyboard macros with C-x ( and C-x e and you can make named defuns in your .emacs. If you are not using these features, you are not using the full power of Emacs, you are just using an editor with lots of features, which is not unique to Emacs. Even vim and Microsoft Word have lots of features. Its extensibility is what make Emacs so awesome. You shouldn't be allowed to take the Emacs side of the Holy War until you've written at least one defun.

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