Monday, October 17, 2022

[fpdgvvek] story on a sphere

in spherical caps around the poles, text is written in lines, wrapped to fit in a disc.  the last line continues out, spiraling around until it reaches the other polar region, where it goes back to lines again.  we avoid tight spirals at the poles because text gets hard to read when it bends extremely sharply.

maybe digits of pi.

or, space filling curve on the surface of a sphere, though that probably has lots of sharp bends.

or, lots of patches of wrapped text, though it might be geometrically a challenge to arrange for continuous text between patches.  maybe not so hard with arrows indicating next and previous adjacent patches.

what technology is best for printing text onto a sphere?  the old technology is to print and cut out lens-shaped segments and glue them onto a sphere.  have there been any improvements?

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