Saturday, December 04, 2021

[tpywqclf] mazes with doors

let buttons in the maze control internal doors, closing or opening them.  this is a maze with state.

straightforward: only 1 button reachable initially.  pushing it opens a (probably distant) door making the next button accessible, and so forth.  pushing a "used" button again has no effect.  the last button opens a door making the exit accessible.  design the locations of the buttons so that one necessarily visits a large portion of the maze.


all buttons always accessible.  maze is always solvable no matter what the button state.  implement this by having the combined button state be the seed for a random (solvable) maze generator: pushing any button (probably) radically changes the maze.  perhaps goal is shortest solution.  or shortest solution that turns on all buttons.

a way to generate that doesn't radically change the maze for each button press: partially generate the maze with a fixed PRNG, then finish it off with a new PRNG seeded by button state.  how well this works depends heavily on the chosen maze-generating algorithm.  "doesn't radically change the maze" is subjective.

count the number of "on" buttons.  let this number be the seed for the maze generator.  it feels a little bit like a 3D maze with weird elevators: an elevator only goes one direction and a distance of one floor no matter what floor, but after being used, only goes the other direction.  maybe a weird stairwell or ladder.

partition the buttons into two sets (perhaps visually).  the tuple of the count of on buttons for each set is the seed for a maze generator.  one wanders a "meta" plane of mazes.  perhaps this meta plane is itself a maze with obstacles, so sometimes buttons cannot be pushed even if you reach them.

buttons are not optional.  being in a cell with a button automatically pushes or unpushes it.  it's more like a motion sensor than a button.  or, movement between two adjacent cells triggers the change in doors of the maze.  or, movement in a particular direction.  all of these result in mazes in which you can't easily go backward, though a UI could provide undo.

pushing a button flips the state (xor) of a set of doors associated with the button.

some of these will require effort to ensure that the maze is solvable.

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