Wednesday, May 06, 2020

[vjuknduu] Base 30

Base 30 is attractive because 30 can divided evenly in a bunch of ways.  The most straightforward digits for base 30 are 0..9, a..t, so uvwxyz are not used.

However, we could vote off the island a different set of 6 letters:

Gg because it looks like 6, 9, or 8.

Ii because it looks like 1.

Ll because it looks like 1.

Oo because it looks like 0.

Ss because it looks like 5.

Zz because it looks like 2, 3, or 7.

This leaves 0123456789abcdefhjkmnpqrtuvwxy.

Possible others:

Bb because it looks like 8 or 6.

Qq because it looks like 2 or 9.

Previously, on creating a character set from scratch from binary.

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