Saturday, December 14, 2019

[cjkzjjql] 40-yard handcuffed dash from lying face down

Interesting challenge seen on Tiktok: start lying face down holding your hands behind your back, simulating being handcuffed under arrest.  Try to stand up without first rolling over.

Turn this into a competition.  Add a short run after standing up.  Which direction of running is most difficult?  Maybe the direction your legs were pointing lying down, so you probably have to turn around after standing.  Which direction is most useful?  The run distance should be short enough that getting up dominates competitors' time; that's the interesting part.  Running with your hands behind your back vaguely resembles the Naruto Run.

Is the restriction of not rolling over necessary?

Such a competition will likely see censorship and attempts to ban it, as it could be construed as development, training, and dissemination of techniques to resist and escape police arrest.

I guess it could be paired with a competition of shooting the runner in the back, probably paintball.  Serpentine!  Does this make it more politically correct or less?

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