Tuesday, June 11, 2019

[ckdxvjuu] Collaborative DNA art project

The number of humans alive right now is of the same order of magnitude as the number of base pairs in the human genome.

Design a massive collaborative art project that has each person doing something specific corresponding to a short segment of DNA they've been assigned, and then all the pieces done by the millions or billions of participants gets assembled into a whole.  Actually into 23 large components corresponding to the chromosomes.  Actually 24 because X and Y are different.

One idea: 4 different dance moves corresponding to the nucleotides.  Everyone films their dance segment.  Inspired by zweifacher, which has 2 types of moves, pivot and waltz.  We could easily deal with the shortage by doing 2 zweifacher moves per base pair.  We'd also have to compose the music having the proper rhythm.

Easy coast swing: basic (in open position), inside turn, outside turn, waist slide.  Though this set lacks the symmetry of the complementary pairs.

Maybe something involving role switching: switching roles and doing the moves in reverse order results in the other DNA strand.

Maybe do something that takes advantage of the built-in error detection of the two stands.

Any mapping will have to deal with many segments of DNA being very repetitive.

Which human's genome?  Probably the reference genome.  How should we deal with gaps?

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