Tuesday, May 21, 2019

[oemcdacs] Language divergence as defense

Language naturally diverges, accumulating idioms and usage differences of separated populations.

This makes it hard to eavesdrop, easy to detect foreign spies, hard to rule a freshly conquered region.

General idea: heterogeneity makes things harder to attack.  What systems induce heterogeneity, people all doing things slightly differently?

Back in the day, Linux installers were bad or nonexistent, so people installed Linux by following rough directions.  Nowadays the style is still present in Slackware, Linux from Scratch.  People are bad at writing and following directions, so this probably resulted in everybody's system being slightly different.  Are such systems more difficult to attack en masse?  After getting in, taking control seems it would require expensive manual interaction to deal with the quirks of each system; it can't be done reliably by a script.

Similar idea in Stack Randomization.

Future post: divergence in social dance.

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