Saturday, March 09, 2019

[raxaupgp] Rock throwing

Since World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones, it seems worthwhile to start training and practicing with rocks now.  Rock throwing may also be useful sooner for asymmetric warfare, as seen in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Create a rock-throwing range in the style of a gun range for practicing throwing rocks.  Have various size and weight rocks available.  Fancy technology could record how close you are getting to targets so you get feedback and can track your improvement through practice.

Throwing for power and accuracy already exists in baseball and many other sports.

We'd also like to practice throwing rocks at targets at a different elevation than the thrower, e.g., throwing from the high ground.  Also moving targets.

Maybe WWIV technology will include slings (as used by David against Goliath), so the range should also allow practicing with those.  How difficult is it to construct a sling?  You need cloth and cord, which are not trivial.  Are there easier tools to enhance rock throwing?

What size rocks are good for combat?  The heavier they are, the less distance you can throw them.  They probably can't be so heavy that the target can quickly close the distance and unleash a melee attack, e.g., fists or a stick, against you.  Though maybe short-range rocks are useful if you are part of a group of many throwers attacking from different directions.

In asymmetric warfare, the stronger side may want to deprive the weaker side of rocks.  Can this be effectively done?

I'm not as confident as Einstein that we'll have sticks: deforestation caused by the "progress" of civilization and then by World War III might eliminate all trees, or, at least, all of them in your local area.  But if you do have sticks, throwing sticks are effective weapons.

Update: axe throwing is becoming a popular hipster recreation, though hipsters are probably not the type preparing to survive World War 3 and then win World War 4.

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