Let "octave-tuning" be the very common 12 tone equal temperament tuning with a frequency multiplier of o=2^(1/12) between semitones. An octave will exactly double the frequency. Let "fifth-tuning" be an equal temperament tuning with a frequency multiplier of f=1.5^(1/7) between semitones. The fifth will be "perfect", with frequency exactly 1.5 times the base note.
(Octave-tuning is often called 12-TET. Fifth-tuning is often called 7-TET.)
Fifth-tuning causes intervals to be sharp by 0.27928583791248815 cents per semitone, 3.3514300549498590 cents per octave, in octave-tuned cents, compared to octave-tuning. 12 fifths equals 7 octaves, or 84 semitones, an interval which will be 23.460010384649013 cents sharp. (A piano covers a range of 87 semitones, though the highest and lowest notes are tuned differently because of psychoacoustic effects.)
Inversely, octave-tuning has its fifth 1.9495560314892994 cents flatter than a perfect fifth, in fifth-tuned cents.
If we split the difference per semitone, then the frequency multiplier between successive semitones is exp(2/(1/log(o)+1/log(f))). (Appropriately, harmonic mean in logarithmic space.) This yields a semitone that is d cents sharp in octave-tuning and d cents flat in fifth-tuning, where d=0.13944818943408673.
Alternatively, we can split the difference unequally in the following way: a frequency multiplier of exp(19/(12/log(o) + 7/log(f))) yields an octave that is d cents sharp in octave-tuning and a fifth that is d cents flat in fifth-tuning, where d=1.2325632573261429.
Let "twelfth-tuning" be an equal temperament tuning dividing the just interval of an octave plus a fifth (a twelfth) into 19, so a frequency multiplier of 3^(1/19) per semitone. Relative to octave-tuning, a semitone is 0.10289478238881145 cents sharp and the octave is 1.2347373886657375 cents sharp. Relative to fifth-tuning, the fifth is 1.2312985462037681 cents flat.
Incidentally, a twelfth in the "split the difference unequally" tuning is extremely close to, just 0.0034388362379609146 cents flat of, a perfect twelfth in twelfth tuning.
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